Youth Formation
Holy Comforter Youth are vibrant partners in our ministry: learning, growing, serving, and sharing the Way of Love we have found through Jesus Christ. Our youth programs raise up Light-bearers for the world, rooted in the unconditional love of our community, formed through study and spiritual practices, and strengthened by service and engagement in our city.
Our Youth Program includes weekly gatherings, experiential learning, youth-led worship, significant leadership and engagement with diocesan activities (Bishop’s Ball, Happening/Genesis, HUGS), challenging confirmation preparation – and fun. Our youth grow at church, in the community, and in the world.
Our Youth serve the church in meaningful and visible ways: as acolytes, lectors, translators, hosts, Room in the Inn volunteers, and more. Join us!
Youth 2023
Holy Comforter youth
Youth Ministry Events at Holy Comforter 2023-2024
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
Holy Comforter’s EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) is a place where middle school and high school students gather to share the love of Christ and grow as followers of Jesus. We meet on Sunday evenings where we share a meal and deepen our faith through experiential learning, fellowship, service – and fun. Follow us on Instagram
Programs include Bible study on the early life of Jesus and on his last week of ministry; designing costumes with wrapping paper, for characters in the Christmas story; walking to a local grocery to buy a week’s worth of groceries for real families, with $50, and then learning from Loaves & Fishes/Nourish Up volunteers the challenges their clients experience. “Glow Night” – learning from dark times and “glow games” – is a favorite. And we are bakers: cookies for others, pretzels for Lent, and more.
Mission Trips & Pilgrimage
Holy Comforter is restarting a rotation of pilgrimage, diocesan and church retreats, and service trips in 2023-2024. Holy Comforter continues its long engagement and leadership of diocesan retreats: Bishop’s Ball, Happening and Genesis (faith-renewal weekends for high school and middle school students respectively), and HUGS Camp. In summer 2024, youth will make a pilgrimage to our companion diocese of Costa Rica, filled with learning experiences guided by local leaders, chaperones, and our clergy.
Confirmation is a mature, public affirmation of one’s baptism. Holy Comforter youth are confirmed when they are prepared for the commitment, typically in high school but at whatever time right for each person. Preparation for confirmation is offered year-round, and confirmations take place during the annual visit of one of the bishops of the diocese.
Acolytes assist the clergy during worship services. From carrying candles and crosses during the processional to assisting with the preparation of the table, this role is vital to every service in the Episcopal Church. Youth in the parish may serve as acolytes beginning in the fifth grade. Training is provided a few times each year.