Pastoral Care
Being rooted in love of God and neighbor, pastoral care is an essential part of every ministry. Pastoral care is traditionally defined as tending to the members of the parish who are in crisis or otherwise in need of emotional, social, and spiritual support. The Pastoral Care Circle Group at Holy Comforter exists to support and encourage one another in our ministries of care, celebrate the impact of our ministries, discern pastoral needs of the parish and creative responses to those needs, and share experience, wisdom, and resources.
Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors (EVs) are licensed lay persons who take Holy Communion immediately following the Eucharist to those who are either sick or shut-in and unable to be present at church. Sharing the gifts of God with the people of God is a wonderful way to minister to those who hunger to connect with God and the parish family. Contact a member of the clergy for more information.
Flower Ministry
The flower ministry delivers small arrangements of altar flowers to parishioners to mark the joy of a happy event, such as birth or baptism, to give thanks for a special service to the church, and to offer support and hope when there is illness, crisis, or grief.
Goody Bags
Holy Comforter LOVE and JOY are shared with our homebound members through the delivery of Goody Bags several times a year. The Bags are delivered along with poinsettias and lilies at Christmas and Easter, and potentially at other seasons of the year, too. The contents of the Bags are donated by parishioners. To find out more about this fun ministry, contact Kim Weeks.
Holy Comforter at Home
Holy Comforter at Home was created to provide consistent and caring support for members of our church who may not be able to attend church services in person. We send a pair of visitors to each person on our homebound list, to talk about how we can support their relationship with the church, to update all information regarding health, relatives, and their safety in their living environment; and to pair a “shepherd” who will check in with them on a regular basis to sustain our caring relationship with them. Contact Edie Livingstone or Mary Monahan.
Lazarus Team
The mission of the Lazarus Team is to assist the bereaved with guidance at the church before, during and after a funeral service. We seek to provide a loving and comforting presence on a day that can be profoundly emotional and difficult. This team takes care of the family in order that they can take care of each other. The Lazarus Team also coordinates and hosts a simple reception offered by the church. Contact Bill Wilder and Sissy Poland.
Prayer Ministry
The Holy Comforter prayer network is intentional in remembering the needs of the parish within one's personal prayers and daily devotions. Our parish prayer list is updated regularly with thanksgivings and intercessions and is printed weekly in the Sunday service bulletin.