Choir Tours

The Holy Comforter Choir sang at the National Cathedral on Sunday, July 16. See a photo gallery below and watch the broadcast of the 11:15 am Eucharist and 4:00 pm Evensong on Washington National Cathedral’s YouTube channel.

National Cathedral

Holy Comforter Choir at Washington National Cathedral, July 2023

The Holy Comforter Choir has sung in many wonderful venues. In August 2015, they sang a week’s residency at Bristol Cathedral, England. In May, 2019 they embarked on a concert tour of Italy where they sang at St. Mark’s Basilica, Venice and St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome. The choir has also sung regionally at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC (2023), Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Columbia, SC, and Duke University Chapel, Durham, NC. The choir has sung under the direction of guest conductors Todd Wilson (Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, OH, and Cleveland Institute of Music), John Stender (First Presbyterian Church, Rochester, MN) and Bruce Neswick (Trinity Cathedral, Portland, OR).

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