Adult Choir
The cornerstone of the parish’s music program is the Holy Comforter Choir, an adult ensemble of approximately 30 voices. While no previous musical experience is required to participate (although it is helpful!), an ability to match pitch is necessary. Additionally, a commitment to a weekly rehearsal and worship schedule (during the program year, September-Trinity Sunday) is expected.
Singers in the choir do much more than “sing the notes”; they learn musical skills such as proper breath control, counting, and how to achieve a unified sound with their musical colleagues. Choir members also learn about church history, the shape of liturgy, theology, and prayer through the music they prepare. Singing in the choir requires a commitment to excellence through work and determination, but the work is ultimately rewarding and satisfying. During the programming year, the choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings, 7:15-9:00 p.m., and sings weekly at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist from September-Trinity Sunday, with occasional additional services, including: Advent Lessons and Carols; Christmas Eve; Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and the Great Vigil of Easter.
The Holy Comforter Choir has sung in many wonderful regional and international venues.
- May, 2024, Ireland Scotland Pilgrimage. The choir sang in Dublin (Christ Church), Belfast (St. Mark’s Dundela, St. Anne’s Belfast Cathedral), and Edinburgh (St. Mary’s Episcopal, St. Giles).
- July, 2023, Washington National Cathedral.
- May, 2019, Italy Concert Tour. The choir embarked on a concert tour of Italy where they sang at St. Mark’s Basilica, Venice and St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome.
- August, 2015, Bristol Pilgrimage. The choir sang a week’s residency at Bristol Cathedral, England.
The choir has also sung regionally at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Columbia, SC, and Duke University Chapel, Durham, NC. The choir has sung under the direction of guest conductors Todd Wilson (Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, OH, and Cleveland Institute of Music), John Stender (First Presbyterian Church, Rochester, MN) and Bruce Neswick (Trinity Cathedral, Portland, OR).
Ireland Scotland Pilgrimage 2024
Click on the playlist below to watch a sample.