
The “Rite of Christian Initiation” is how we refer to the sacrament of Baptism at Holy Comforter. Baptism “sets the table” for a lifelong relationship with God. It requires a time for parents and sponsors/godparents to spend educating themselves to equip the baptized to live into the person that God is calling them to be. At Holy Comforter we generally celebrate the sacrament of Baptism four times a year: At the observance of the Baptism of Jesus in January, the Easter Vigil, Pentecost, and All Saints Sunday in November. Baptism is the sacramental welcoming of a person into the Church, the Body of Christ, so it is essential that at least one parent be active in the life and ministry of a parish. For further information about baptism, contact Jessica Dunlap to make an appointment to speak with one of the clergy.