Parish Survey

To gather input on a wide range of topics that will help guide the church’s leaders as they plan for the 2024-2025 program year, Holy Comforter conducted a survey of its parishioners from May 21 through June 7, 2024.

Thank you to all who gave input through the survey!

Watch for information from clergy, staff, Vestry, and lay leaders of HC ministries about the ways they are incorporating the survey results into their ministry plans.

Survey Results. Results from the survey are presented in varying depth and level of detail in four separate documents, accessible through these links:

Have questions?

… about the survey results? Ask clergy, Vestry, or the relevant ministry leader.

… about how the survey itself was conducted or how the report documents were compiled? Ask the Pathfinders Survey Team at [email protected].


Some printed copies of the Executive Summary are available in the church office. If you need a printed copy of the other documents, please ask the church office ([email protected]) to prepare one for you.

These survey results cover responses from parishioners who participated in the English-language version of the survey. Parishioners whose preferred language is Spanish will be asked to give their input through small focus groups instead. Those results will be posted on this webpage as they become available.