The Vestry is the governing and decision-making body of an Episcopal church, consisting of elected lay (non-clergy) representatives. Vestry members must be “Voting Members,” which means they are official members at Holy Comforter, confirmed, 16 or older, and faithful in attending worship, and in giving of their time, talent and treasure.
Vestry members have responsibility for the financial condition and physical assets of the Parish. They approve the annual operating budget and oversee the hiring and compensation of the Rector. They are also ambassadors for Holy Comforter with visitors, identifiable by their Vestry badges on Sundays. They are a friendly presence eager to help all parishioners get connected or be heard. They advise the Rector on strategic planning for the parish’s overall well-being, spiritual as well as temporal.
Quarterly financial forums update parishioners on the financial status of the parish at 11:30 in Henry Hall on the following dates:
2024 Quarterly Updates
Year end 2023 – 1/28/2024
1st Qtr. 2024 – 4/28/2024
2nd Qtr. – 7/28/2024
3rd Qtr. – Annual meeting 11/10/2024
Your 2024 Vestry Members
Joyce Bott
Carlyle Knox
Anne Binns
Mary Amos
Jason Evans
Tom Cooke
Bob Murphy
Tim Cavins
Nikki Manke
Jacqueline Howells
Karen Crane
Diana Smith
Natalie Castro
Every September, a nominating committee led by an outgoing Warden and comprised of outgoing Vestry members begins the process of collecting and vetting nominees who present themselves or are presented …