
Like all Episcopal churches, leadership is provided by members of the church as well as clergy and staff. Members, known as “lay” leaders, offer their time in many different capacities to provide financial oversight, run ministries, and support worship.


Our clergy represent Christ and his Church by caring for parishioners, proclaiming the Gospel; administering the sacraments; and overseeing the church. Click each picture to learn more.


Our staff works in conjunction with clergy to support the spiritual growth and community life of parishioners. Click each picture to learn more.


The Vestry is the governing and decision-making body of an Episcopal church, consisting of elected lay (non-clergy) representatives. Vestry members must be “Voting Members,” which means they are official members …


The Holy Comforter Foundation is charged with granting money to further the mission and ministry of the church, outside the annual operating budget, and separate from capital campaigns. Currently the …

Circle Groups

The way we organize many ministries at Holy Comforter is through “Circle Groups”. Different in function from committees, these groups include deliberate spiritual formation, prayer, fellowship, and community building as …

Diocesan Convention Delegates

Diocesan convention is an annual meeting wherein the business and work of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina is conducted, budgets approved, resolutions discussed, committees appointed and business presented, etc. …

Annual Meeting

Each November, we gather as a parish to hear reports from ministry leaders, elect new Vestry members and celebrate the good news of the past year.