Pledging FAQs
What is a pledge?
In literal terms, your pledge is your written commitment to God and to Holy Comforter to give a specific minimum amount to the church’s annual fund over the course of the year. In spiritual terms, it is much more: Our pledge is our grateful response to the blessings we receive from God; it says “This parish is my church home and I want to share God’s love here through my pledge.”
Why are pledges important to the church?
Pledges determine our annual ministry budget – which funds everything from staff and programs to utilities. It is very difficult to make a budget if we don’t know what we can count on annually from our parishioners. The pledges you entrust to us allow us to plan responsibly.
Why are pledges important to me?
Pledging is a spiritual discipline that brings spiritual growth. Your pledge is a reflection of where you are on a spiritual journey of gratitude-in-action. This moment of engaging your pledge begs a question: “Considering how generous God has been with us, what does God ask of us in response?” When we are blessed, we strive to become a blessing and we give back with joy. Participating in God’s Kingdom-making work is the heart of pledging. When we place God first in our lives and share God’s love, we are not surprised to see love and blessings multiplied in our own lives and in our community.
How much should I pledge?
We encourage everyone to discern their appropriate level of giving through prayerful consideration and discussion. To make it an afterthought or to simply check a box deprives it of its spiritual potential. Tithing is a biblical term that means giving 10% of one’s income. The Bible teaches that giving should be of the “first fruits” of one’s labors. Translated into today’s terms, it means that giving, whatever the amount, should be offered beforeother expenses are paid. Some people give a portion of their income to work toward a tithe. For more information on tithing, see To Tithe or Not to Tithe from The Episcopal Church.
What is the average pledge amount?
Holy Comforter’s average (median) pledge for 2023 was $2,750. However, the size of your pledge doesn’t matter; your participation – whatever the amount – matters most. Each and every pledge makes a difference!
How do I pledge?
You have several options. Return a pledge card to the church office – by mail or in person. Complete the online pledge form. Additional pledge cards are available in the church office and at the Sunday services. Or e-mail our Parish Administrator, Holly Williams