Liturgy & Music Circle Group

The touchstone of our community life is the weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist. This remembrance of and thanksgiving for Christ’s sacrificial love is prepared for by many people – clergy, staff, lectors, altar guild, singers, vergers, hosts/greeters, acolytes, and more. For a typical Sunday schedule with multiple Eucharists, it takes more than 20 volunteers to adequately staff all needed positions. Have you ever thought about serving as a greeter – a friendly face to welcome worshippers into the church? Have you ever considered being a lector or intercessor – proclaiming God’s word or reading prayers of the people from the lectern? These are but a few ways to deepen your faith and your understanding of Episcopal worship. The Liturgy and Music Circle Group coordinates all of these efforts and sponsors occasional training sessions. If you’re interested in serving in one of these capacities, or want to know more about the LMCG, contact Patrick Pope or Fr. Greg Brown in the church office.