Circle Groups
The way we organize many ministries at Holy Comforter is through “Circle Groups”. Different in function from committees, these groups include deliberate spiritual formation, prayer, fellowship, and community building as a formal part of the ministry process. We believe that not only will ministries be dreamed and accomplished, but that we will grow closer to God and one another through deliberately working together with these ends in mind.
2701 Circle Group
The 2701 Circle Group is responsible for the oversight and all activities associated with the construction, renovation, operation, maintenance, cleaning, safety and security of all buildings, grounds, furnishings, and equipment …
Adult Spiritual Journeys Circle Group
Our purpose and mission is to stoke and feed the hunger for adult spiritual formation at Holy Comforter by facilitating adult formation offerings that inspire and support people on their …
Generous Hearts Stewardship Circle Group
To simplify communication, we have changed the name of the BGG circle group to focus on our desired outcome. We believe that when we recognize our Blessings, we feel Gratitude, and that …
Communications & Technology Circle Group
Communication is fundamental to how we connect as a community of people doing God’s work, and technology is constantly evolving to enable better communications. The Communications & Technology circle group …
Compass Circle Group
The Compass Circle Group explores Anti-Racism and Social Justice and their intersections with our Christian Faith. Our goal is to: Create an engaging and accepting space in our church community …
Invite, Welcome, Connect Circle Group
Invite, Welcome, Connect is a ministry of transformative and radical hospitality. As stated in our Mission Statement, “We commit to cultivating intentional practices of Invitation, Welcome, and Connection that are …
Family Ministries Circle Group
The Family Ministries Circle Group Committee provides feedback, input and ideas to the Director of Children’s Ministries and the Youth Administrator about Holy Comforter’s programs for children, youth, and families. …
Liturgy & Music Circle Group
The touchstone of our community life is the weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist. This remembrance of and thanksgiving for Christ’s sacrificial love is prepared for by many people – …
Pastoral Care Circle Group
Pastoral care is tending to the members of the parish who are in crisis or otherwise in need of support and connection. Being rooted in love of God and neighbor, …
Pathfinders Circle Group
The Pathfinders’ primary purpose is to guide the parish in exploring and discerning how we are called in these new times to fulfill our parish vision – to build the …