Adult Christian Formation

We offer numerous opportunities to deepen our faith, explore God’s Word, and engage in enlightening discussion.
See the sidebar for upcoming events, dates, times, and location.
Sunday Morning Adult Christian Formation
Sunday Morning Adult Christian Formation takes place following the 10:00 a.m. service from September through May. There is typically a clergy or guest-led forum on a wide variety of engaging …
Bible Study
Bible Study is held every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the parlor in the Atkinson building. Led by clergy, the study is based on the lectionary for the coming …
Holy Comforter Book Group
Holy Comforter started a series of book studies on social mobility and economic sustainability in 2016, prompted by Charlotte’s ranking in a study by Dr. Raj Chetty as 50th out …
Common Morning, Common Prayer
Common Morning, Common Prayer began as a Lenten discipline where Morning Prayer was led by laypersons in locations throughout the community. It has now expanded to include year-round gatherings on …
Sharing Stories
Sharing Stories (formerly Imagining with Scripture) is a time of quiet reflection and conversation as participants are invited to enter imaginatively into a Bible story, Psalm, or other reading. Led …